
Music Therapy

At Karvaan music and rhythm is part of every activity. It is the fuel that keeps the Karvaan journey going! The sounds of nature for example is an integral part of Karvaan. What would we do without the ruffling of leaves, chirping of birds and sounds of water flowing!

Music is not discovered or invented, it’s innate in all of us. It’s not come to surprise then sound healing is been used since many years for healing and harmonizing illness.

Soulful music is used for most of the meditations. Our days begin with yoga and sargams and days end with either drum circles, satsangs or bhakti yog.

The drum circle is one of the most loved session by all of our participants. Drum circle helps us attune to the universal rhythm. The beating of hearts and the beating of drums merges. And as the energy picks up the drums of all the participants beat as one, hearts of all the participants beat as one. And as the drumming circle of energy reaches its peak the oneness with the grace, with the divine is a natural outcome. As the echoing of drums drops, the silence that follows is deepens.

                “From the rhythmic beating of your heart
                To the cadenced breathing that keeps us alive
                It is music.
                It is music in the sounds of pouring rain
                It is music when you laugh your heart out
                A little more you hear, A little more you feel, A little more alive you will be!”

An interesting blog by Dr. Prajakta Vaidya about “Sound of Universe”
